Friday, December 4, 2015

Alex's Biographical Narrative


Hector has black hair and brown skin and is a hard worker. He is brave and really helpful to his peers. He has brown eyes and loves to play board games and is willing to put anyone ahead of him.

But, he left and went back to Mexico and had to come back so he got a “coyote” it is someone who you buy to help patrol you across the border. But one day the coyote was not with him no more, so he was lost and had no way to come to United States without water and exhausted. But he did not quit and kept walking until he got chased by border patrol until he hid under a huge rock and then the border patrol was gone. As he was walking he saw that he was getting tired until he could not walk no more and passed out as he was laying there he felt someone pick him up and take him to a man’s home he was fed and heeled by the man. He told the man why he helped him and he wouldn’t answer. He was giving him a ride and Hector was asking him where he was going but the man would not answer. Until he arrived to a bus stop and the man gave him money.   

Friday, November 20, 2015


Hi, my name is Alejandro and am currently a Sophomore at Pioneer Valley High School. I am a Dallas Cowboys & Lakers fan.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Dido & Didle

Dido & Didle

Long ago, there was only two planets At least that is what the creature’s thought, they really did not communicate with each other. They kind of look the same, the same squid look but the Dido’s have one eye and they have hair on their head and where purple and had a squeaky voice, As for the Didle’s  have several eyes and have green skin & a deep voice. The Didos where nice and caring to they’re planet and told them everything. As for the Didle’s where mean and strict to they’re country and didn’t tell them anything and would blast them if behaved bad, so I guess you could say they are evil.

            So, one day they were living they are normal lives until the Dido’s discovered a red dot on their pink sky, they really did not care about it until a Dido looked through it from a telescope and discovered it with a special tool called a “scopetello” so the government of the Dido’s went up there to take a closer look. they went up there and discovered a new planet they were so happy they found a new planet until the Didle’s came and said that it was there planet and the Didos had to leave, but the Dido’s declared war in that scene, One person do not know who, shot the ground and caused the planet to explode and every one there die. And this started a war between the Dido and the Didle. everything from sneak attack and suicide bombing happened until one day the Dido’s formed a bomb enough to kill everybody in the Didle planet turning the whole planet into dust in space, while the pilots in the spaceship was getting ready to drop the bomb, they realize that the people were not bad, it was the government ruling the planet made the planet look bad. So, the pilot was going back, then the Didle’s shot the space shuttle causing the pilot to fall on the black ocean blowing up the whole planet. The Dido’s were not happy but now they have to live their lives knowing that they killed a lot of innocent people.